Do you know how to pass a job interview successfully? Follow the 17 tips presented in the article and you will succeed.
And that day has come. You have found a good job, sent your resume to the employer by email, and … got a call and were invited for an interview! But now is not the time to relax. The best thing you can do is start preparing for the interview immediately.
To pass the interview successfully and get the job you want, you need to consider many factors. Even one mistake can lead to failure.
The following 17 tips will help you anticipate all the nuances and successfully pass a job interview.
- 1. Company Research
- 2. Why You Should Be Hired
- 3. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully
- 4. Do You Want to Pass the Interview Successfully? Prepare for the Common Job Interview Questions
- 5. Prepare 2-3 Questions for the Employer
- 6. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully: Practice, Practice, Practice
- 7. Want to Successfully Pass the Interview?
- 8. Take Responsibility for Your Interview Results
- 9. Get Ready for Any Questions
- 10. Do You Want to Pass the Job Interview Successfully?
- 11. Think Positively
- 12. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully? End It on a Positive Note
- 13. Prepare All Required Documents and Print Your Resume
- 14. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully? Pay Attention to Your Body Language and Your Appearance
- 16. Do Not Talk Too Much
- 17. Keep the Subordination
How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully: 17 Tips
The first 5 tips, first of all, relate to the stage of preparing for an interview. In any case, we cannot do without them, so let’s start.
Learn more about how to prepare for an interview in this article “How to Prepare for a Job Interview in 8 Steps.”
1. Company Research
Having at least minimal information about the company and the industry in which it operates, you will feel much more confident and calm during the interview.
The interviewer may ask you:
- How do you rate the work, products, and services of the company?
- What are its competitive advantages?
- In which direction does the company need to develop?
- How do you think the company can succeed in the future?
2. Why You Should Be Hired
Prepare at least 2-3 arguments to prove to a potential employer why you should be hired, why you are the ideal candidate for the position.
Try to convince the employer that you:
a) can do the job and achieve good results;
b) you have the necessary qualifications, skills, and work experience;
c) fit perfectly into the team.
“After reading the job ad for a programmer, I realized that I meet all your requirements.
I have four years of programming experience. At thesame time, I have good communication skills. For a long time, I worked directly with senior executives. That is why I am 100% prepared to work on large interagency projects. I will join the work process on the first day, and will be very glad to have this opportunity.”
3. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully
Tip 3. Think about what doubts and concerns the employer may have about your candidacy
There are a lot more applicants for a position than vacancies in the labor market. Therefore, interviewers find ways to screen out unsuitable candidates.
Put yourself in the shoes of the employer, and think about why you might not be hired:
- “I do not have enough experience.”
- “I do not have the skill…, education, or knowledge of the program”.
Now prepare arguments in your defense:
- “Yes, I do not have a higher education, only secondary special education. But I have five years of programming experience in Web application development.”
4. Do You Want to Pass the Interview Successfully? Prepare for the Common Job Interview Questions
Of course, you do not know with 100% accuracy what topics the employer will want to cover during the interview.
But there are some of the most common questions that you will hear from an interviewer anyway. Having prepared the answers to these questions, you will not get confused and will be able to make a good impression on a potential employer.
So, the 10 most common job interview questions are:
- Tell me about yourself.
- Why do you want to work in a company?
- What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Why did you quit your last job?
- What are your job expectations?
- How did you handle a difficult situation at work?
- Why should we hire you?
- Do you have any questions?
5. Prepare 2-3 Questions for the Employer
This tip smoothly follows from the previous one. There is a high chance that at the end of the interview the employer will ask “Do you have any questions for me?”.
In any case, do not answer: “No, I understand everything.”
Be sure to prepare 2-3 questions for the interviewer. It will show that you are interested in getting the job and, of course, that you have serious intentions.
A common question to ask an employer is:
“How do you see the ideal candidate for this position?”
Read more about what questions you can ask the interviewer in the article “10+ Questions to Ask a Potential Employer at the End of an Interview.”
6. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully: Practice, Practice, Practice
It is one thing to imagine how you answer the interviewer’s questions, and quite another to do it aloud confidently and clearly. To pass an interview successfully, you need practice.
Speak aloud your answers to the employer’s questions. The first attempt, most likely, will not be successful: the voice will tremble, and there will be a pause, embarrassment, and some confusion.
Rehearse 5-10 times and you will be surprised how much more convincing your voice sounds, your thoughts are not confused, and you will start speaking clearly and to the point.
7. Want to Successfully Pass the Interview?
You have 5 minutes to convince the employer that you are the ideal candidate for the vacant position.
According to research, the employer decides whether you are suitable for a position in the first 5 minutes of the interview. And the rest of the time he spends on making sure that made the right decision.
So, what do you need to do in those 5 minutes to pass the interview successfully?
- First, demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest in getting this job. Be energetic.
- Thank the interviewer for the invitation to the interview.
- Start the conversation with positive feedback about the company. For example, so: “I was looking forward to an interview. I think that the latest large-scale projects that your company has worked on are very interesting. Especially the project… I would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and make my contribution.”
8. Take Responsibility for Your Interview Results
Do not be passive. Often, even assertive and self-confident candidates become too passive, lose enthusiasm, and show no initiative. Do not confuse passivity with politeness.
9. Get Ready for Any Questions
There are not quite standard situations when, for some reason, the employer crosses the line and asks personal questions. For example: “Are you planning a child in the next two years?”. You have the right not to give a specific answer to such questions and say: “I am not planning to at the moment.”
It may also be questions regarding your marital status, religion, age, etc.
Perhaps in this way, the employer wants to create a stressful situation and see your reaction. Or he has faced similar problems in the past. Or he is not familiar with ethics and behaves unprofessionally. In any case, you can always come out of a situation most politely and loyally by answering: “This will not affect the performance of my job duties / my ability to do my job well.”
10. Do You Want to Pass the Job Interview Successfully?
Be sure to tell the interviewer about your strengths, qualifications, experience, professional qualities, and achievements.
To successfully pass an interview, you need to advertise yourself. After you have named some of your strengths, be sure to give a specific example:
“I have the necessary sales experience. I worked as a sales manager for four years and achieved such and such results.”
11. Think Positively
Even if the interviewer directly asks about some negative points related, for example, to your past work, try not to go into details and not go on about him.
It is better if your answer sounds positive: “I liked my job, but at some point in time I realized that I needed something different.”
Read the post “Why Did You Quit Your Last Job?”
12. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully? End It on a Positive Note
If you are sincerely interested in a vacant position and you realize that this job suits you, tell the employer about it:
“You know, I was a little nervous before the interview. But now, after our conversation, I am sure this job is exactly what I need. Thanks to such and such qualities, I will cope with the job responsibilities and will contribute to the company’s development.”
13. Prepare All Required Documents and Print Your Resume
First, you need to print 2-3 copies of your resume.
You may need to give one copy to the interviewer, in case he (or she) does not have the opportunity or time to find your resume in electronic format. And the second copy of your resume will be useful to follow the questions coming from the employer about the information indicated in your resume.
In addition, there may be several interviewers, or you may be invited for an interview directly with the company manager. And it will be great to have another copy of your resume.
If applying for a creative position, bring a portfolio.
14. How to Pass A Job Interview Successfully? Pay Attention to Your Body Language and Your Appearance

If you want to successfully pass a job interview, pay attention to body language or non-verbal communication. Follow these simple tips:
- Watch your speech. Your voice should sound natural. Speak calmly and confidently.
- Watch your posture. Try not to slouch or not to drop your shoulders.
- Control your hand movements. Give the interviewer a firm handshake. During the interview, place your palms on the table, and do not touch things or your hair.
- Make eye contact with the interviewer. From time to time look away, but mostly try to look the employer in the eyes. In this way, you will show that you are listening carefully to him and will not lose the thread of the conversation.
- Wear comfortable, clean, freshly pressed clothing appropriate for the job you are applying for. But anyway, your clothes should be more formal.
- Avoid excess jewelry, bright makeup, and open shoes. Do not use cologne or perfume.
15. To Pass the Interview Successfully:
Listen carefully to the interviewer. Do not interrupt.
16. Do Not Talk Too Much
Answer the employer’s questions. When appropriate, ask counter-questions, and nothing more. Each of your answers should last no more than 2 minutes.
17. Keep the Subordination
Remember that an interview is a business meeting, not a friendly conversation. Be as polite, formal, and professional as possible.
Good luck!
Thanks for the inspiration:
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