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About Think and Write

Greetings from Think and Write!

Here you will find a lot of interesting and extremely useful information.

If you are a student, teacher, lecturer, job seeker, and just an inquisitive person who is in search of reasonable, verified and reliable information, then Think and Write is exactly what you need.

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About the Author

Think and Write. Where It All Began

My love for writing started at school.

For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed writing. At first, it was children’s poems, then essays, and even plays. As a teenager, I loved to write short stories about love, life, and death. I liked going to the library (yes, in my school and university years, the library was still very relevant!). I studied tons of information, wrote research papers, and participated in competitions.

And what do you think? As a result, I entered the Faculty of Economics at the National Maritime University. I so dreamed of journalism. I wanted to study editing and publishing. But alas, c’est la vie.

With the birth of my daughter, on maternity leave, I had little time for self-development. I again began to read a lot, took various courses in economics and copywriting, and improved my English. So, at one moment an idea ripened in my head, maybe I should create my website. After all, here I can implement everything I love so much: study information, process it, present it in a readable form, and make infographics for articles. In general, “Think and Write” is my brainchild, my creation, this is what I love to do.

I hope you will enjoy it. Join now!

I can graphically show you how it all started:

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