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What is macroeconomics: definition, main goals, what study, economic agents

What Is Macroeconomics and What Does It Study: Components, Main Goals and Macroeconomic Agents

Exchange rates, unemployment rates, and stock returns are only a small part of the macroeconomic processes that shape the economic environment in which we live. It turns out that macroeconomics affects the daily life of each of us, and knowing its basics is not of value exclusively for entrepreneurs.
Understanding the general principles and fundamentals of macroeconomics is necessary for everyone: a consumer, an investor, a worker, and, of course, an entrepreneur.

What is the labor market? Definition, classification, analysis and characteristics

What Is the Labor Market: Definition, Main Features, Classifications

Labor is the most important factor of production and the main source of income for the economically active part of the population. Various types of income related to labor activity account for up to 75% of national income in developed countries.
The market always consists of buyers and sellers who form the supply and demand for a particular product or service. In this regard, the labor market is no exception: employers provide the demand for labor, and workers provide the supply.

What are the types of career and professional development

Types of Careers and Career Growth: Professional, Intra-Organization, Qualification, Status Growth

The versatility and complexity of the process of career growth and, in general, a career is reflected in the diversity of its types.

There are many different features and criteria for classifying career types. In addition, there are several principal trajectories of a person’s movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types of careers.

What is a career, career growth, professional promotion: meaning, differences

What Is a Career, Career Growth and Professional Promotion: Meaning, and Differences

The career concept does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy. It should also be noted that a person’s life outside of work has a significant impact on the career and is part of it.

In other words, a career is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person’s working life.

How to Tell Your Boss You Are Leaving: What to Say, Resignation Letter Example

How to Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting: What to Say, Tips, and Resignation Letter

Decided to move on? Your current job brings you neither pleasure nor development and normal income. It is time to change something, and you have made the final decision to quit. But how to tell your boss you are leaving and do it tactfully?
In this article, you will learn what not to do when you are fired, find tips and a step-by-step guide on how and what to tell your boss about your decision to quit, and see a sample letter of resignation.