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Six Career Stages by Age, Needs and Main Goals  

Stages of career development: what are they, and what happens at each of the career stages.

A career is a process of professional, socio-economic development of a person, expressed in his advancement through the levels of qualifications, statuses, remuneration, and the positions occupied at these levels fixed in a certain sequence.

To plan, develop and manage your career, you need to understand what stages of professional development exist, and what happens to a person at each of them.

Read also post “What Are the Types of Careers and Career Growth.”

What Does the Term “Stages of Career Development” Mean?

Career stages are certain segments of an employee’s working life in any field of activity, during which a person achieves his goals and satisfies current needs.

These goals and needs will be different at each stage. Relationships between career stages and needs are shown in the table below.

Six main stages of career development
Six Stages of Career Development

Next, we will consider each of the six career stages in more detail.

Six main career stages
Six Career Stages

1. Career Development Stages: Preliminary Stage

The preliminary career stage includes schooling, secondary and higher education. It lasts up to 25 years.

During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that will satisfy existing needs and that corresponds to opportunities. If such a job can be found, then his process of self-affirmation as a person begins.

During the preliminary stage of career development, the safety of existence is in the foreground.

2. Formative Stage

The age period of the formation stage is from 25 to 30 years. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires skills and qualifications, and achieves self-affirmation in society.

At this stage of career development, the employee needs to establish his independence. He continues to worry about the safety of his existence and also takes care of his health.

Usually, at this age, families are created and formed, so it is quite natural to desire to receive wages that are higher than the subsistence level.

3. Stage of Career Development: Promotion

The promotion stage usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 45. During this period, the employee has an increase in qualifications, career advancement, gaining and accumulating practical experience, skills, and abilities.

In addition, at the stage of advancement, the need for self-affirmation and independence increases, and a desire arises to achieve a higher status and, of course, higher wages.

At this stage, the employee is much less concerned about the need for security. All his efforts are focused on increasing wages and taking care of health.

4. The Stage of Fixing the Results

The age period of the fixing stage is from 45 to 60 years. The employee’s efforts are focused on consolidating the achieved results of building his career.

A high level of qualification and professionalism is being achieved. The employee tries to pass on the knowledge and experience gained to young employees.

In addition, this stage can be called creative, because right now a person reaches the heights of self-expression and independence. There are also opportunities to rise to new career levels.

During this period, the basic needs of the employee are fully satisfied. Therefore, it is natural that a person begins to show interest in other sources of income (for example, investing). There is a sense of respect for oneself and others who have achieved career success.

5. Career Development Stages: Completion Stage

Completion of a career occurs at the age of 60 to 65 years. During this period, the employee is worrying about and preparing for retirement. The company is looking for a new employee, who is then trained and given all the necessary information and knowledge.

The completion stage is a difficult period for an employee. It is due to the emerging state of psychological discomfort and anxiety. A person receives less and less satisfaction from his work, but self-expression and respect for himself and for other people who are also going through the stage of retirement reach the highest point.

6. Retirement Stage

At this career stage, the employee completes his main labor activity. But may look for other sources of income besides pensions.

In addition, it becomes possible for self-expression through various activities: gardening, cooking, painting, etc.

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