Decided to move on? Your current job brings you neither pleasure nor development and normal income. It is time to change something, and you have made the final decision to quit. But how to tell your boss you are leaving and do it tactfully?
In this article, you will learn what not to do when you are fired, find tips and a step-by-step guide on how and what to tell your boss about your decision to quit, and see a sample letter of resignation.
Table of Contents
- Three Things NOT to Do When You Are Quitting
- How to Tell Your Boss You Are Leaving: How to Behave at the Moment of a Difficult Conversation
- How to Tell Your Boss You Are Leaving: Preparation and Tips
- Letter of Resignation
- How to Tell Your Boss You Are Quitting: What to Say
- Conclusion
Three Things NOT to Do When You Are Quitting
At the time of dismissal and during a conversation with your boss, you should keep only one word in the head – respect. Because the way you leave your job can have a direct impact on your career and professional growth in the future.

So, here are a few things you should never do when you are quitting:
- Do anything rash. Before you leave, weigh all the pros and cons. Do not make rash decisions.
- Tell your co-workers you want to quit, but not your boss. Your boss should not be the last person to know you are leaving.
- Burn all bridges. Keep your current job as a fallback.
Read post “How to Send a Resume via Email in 7 Steps: What to Write in Email to an Employer.”
How to Tell Your Boss You Are Leaving: How to Behave at the Moment of a Difficult Conversation
At the moment of quitting, you can experience a wide variety of feelings: from relief and joy to regret and fear. These emotions are directly related to how you treated your previous place of work, position, and colleagues.
Two situations ultimately affect your emotional state at the time of dismissal: you liked or disliked your previous job.
Read post “What Is a Career, Career Growth and Professional Promotion: Meaning, Differences.”
If You Didn’t Like Your Job
Perhaps at your previous place of work, you were underestimated as a specialist, or even worse, you were humiliated and despised. Of course, in this case, it will not be easy for you to control your emotions and leave quietly, calmly, and tactfully.
But remember, those words and actions that you say and do at the time of leaving can play a cruel joke on you. After all, you never know where, at what moment, and what your former colleagues or boss can tell a potential employer about you in the future.
Moreover, if you leave with a scandal, you will not get a good recommendation. Also, a potential employer can contact your previous boss and ask what professional qualities you have, whether you were conscientious in performing your job duties, etc.
Therefore, remember, calm and only calm.
If You Liked Your Job
If you liked your job, team, and company, and you went to work like a holiday, it will be just as difficult to tell your boss, a person whom you respect and with whom you have worked for a long time, that you decided to move on.
The reason for your dismissal can be anything: moving, career development, getting an education, dream job. In any case, change is important and necessary. Therefore, put yourself together : extra emotions are useless.
How to Tell Your Boss You Are Leaving: Preparation and Tips
Although you may experience a variety of feelings during the process of dismissal (from relief to confusion and fear), there is a “standard” scheme that is desirable to follow:
- Contact your boss directly.
If you decide to quit, go straight to your boss. You must personally supervise the dismissal process. Do not let office gossip and rumors of your leaving reach your boss before you have a chance to tell your decision in person, it is unprofessional and disrespectful to your employer.
If, by coincidence, you cannot arrange a personal meeting with your boss, as a last resort, announce your departure by phone or arrange an online meeting.
2. Prepare for the conversation with the boss.
Before you go to a meeting with your boss, you must understand what you will say to him and how you will explain your dismissal. Even if you have a good trusting relationship with your boss, at such a difficult moment you can get confused and, as a result, find yourself in an awkward situation.
Moreover, you should be prepared for a conversation, so that in case of objections or questions the employer has, you can give a firm and unambiguous answer. Are you ready to refuse a counteroffer? If your boss offers you better working conditions, a pay rise, or an extra day off, what will you say? Or will he even ask you to postpone the meeting and give you a few more days to “think”?
Either way, be tactful, calm, and professional. Don’t be led by emotions.
3. Write a letter of resignation and show it to your employer.
Even if you have already informed the employer about your decision to quit, be sure to write a letter of resignation. The application serves as a guarantee that in the future there will be no confusion with your last working day and the date of your appeal. Also, many companies include a copy of the resignation letter with each employee’s records.
Letter of Resignation
The resignation letter must be short and contain the following information:
- The date of the last working day. Not less than two weeks or 14 calendar days from the date you give notice.
- A brief explanation of the reason for leaving. In most cases, it is enough to just write due to personal reasons. But you can be more specific and provide reasons such as due to career change, due to maternity/paternity break, due to health problems, getting education, and others.
- If you want to thank the company for the opportunity to get professional experience, for career growth, and for excellent working conditions, why not? You can write a few words of gratitude and appreciation. You will only gain from this and will forever be remembered as a “very positive, open, and friendly” employee.
Resignation Letter Example

How to Tell Your Boss You Are Quitting: What to Say
How to tell your boss you’re resigning? First, try to stay positive, no matter the circumstances.
Second, follow these guidelines:
- Thank your boss for the work experience, for the opportunity to learn new skills, abilities, and knowledge, and for professional development. You can also thank your boss for the opportunity to work with him and your colleagues.
- Explain the reason for your dismissal: career growth, relocation, education, family circumstances, better working conditions, change of field of activity, etc.
- Offer your help in preparing and training a candidate for your previous position (if the specifics of the job require it). You may be able to remotely answer a new employee’s questions during the first weeks of his work.
- State the date of your expected last working day.

Leave on a good note, and be tactful, professional, and respectful. Share valuable information about your projects and clients with former colleagues, and document those work nuances that you consider useful for a new employee.
This will allow you to save and not lose useful contacts. Also, you can always get a positive recommendation from the employer or return, if an attractive position appears in the company.
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