This article presents a detailed analysis of the business writing style. You will find out:
- what is business writing;
- its purpose;
- where do we use business writing;
- its features and characteristics;
- types and genres of business writing style;
- types of documents;
- examples of texts written in a business style.
What Is Business Writing

Business writing style is a functional writing style that is used to draw up documents, and legal acts, as well as in official communication between citizens, organizations, and social groups.
The business writing style is characterized by the presence of special business standards, based on which documents are compiled: applications, business letters, contracts, protocols, reports, certificates, powers of attorney, etc.
Read also:
- “What Is Scientific Writing Style: Characteristics, Types, and Examples”.
- “What Is Colloquial Language (Colloquialism): Features, Genres, and Examples”.
- “Journalistic Writing: Functions, Features, Types, and 10 News Values”.
What Is Purpose of Business Writing Style
Business writing has two purposes: an informative and influencing.
The informative purpose is, for example, to report on the state of affairs or to state facts.
The influencing purpose is to give instructions for performing certain actions.
Scope of Application or Where Is Used Business Writing
The business writing style is used in the diplomatic, administrative, and legal spheres. It is the language of diplomacy and the law.
Business texts aim to convey legal, official, and administrative information as accurately, stylistically neutral, and unambiguous as possible, which will be presented by special standards.
Thus, the main task of the business writing style is to convey information based on legal norms in the field of organizing and managing society.
What Are the Features and Characteristics of Business Writing Style
The features and characteristics of the business writing style are:
- Closedness, stability, and conservatism.
- The information in the text is conveyed as accurately, unambiguously, understandably, and stylistically neutral as possible.
- Objectivity.
- Officiality and rigor of presentation.
- Lack of imagery and ambiguity.
- The impersonality of information presentation.
- The presence of special business standards for the preparation and writing of formal business texts.
- The use of juridical, diplomatic, legal, special-technical, and other terminology (referendum, departments, agitation, official).
- The use of complex and compound sentences (“If satisfied that it would not be harmful to the interests of a spouse and is necessary for a purpose listed below, the Supreme Court may make an order for an interim distribution of family property that is at issue under this Part to provide money to fund…” – Family Law Act).
- The use of business communication etiquette (for example, if you need to express gratitude, request, appeal, recommendations, or consent, etc.).
- Many verbs reflect the meaning of requirement and order (prohibit, oblige, appoint).
- Prohibition of rudeness, familiarity, and harshness towards a business partner.
Read also post “What Is Formal and Informal Writing: Characteristics, Key Differences and Examples”.

Types of Business Writing Style
Formal business writing serves various areas of business relations. Depending on the specific scope, there are 4 functional types:
- Legislative.
This is the language of State power and normative legal acts, used in the law-making sphere. At the same time, the scope, in this case, is wider: the addressee is all individuals, legal entities, and government bodies.
The main genres are law, charter, statute, ordinance, executive order (decree), resolution, and report.
2. Jurisdictional.
The scope of application is narrower than that of the legislative sub-style: it is the servicing of the law enforcement agencies. Here, the addressee is individual state bodies and individual physical and legal entities.
The main genres are a statement of claim, speech in court, cassation appeal, and requirement for the refutation of false information.
3. Diplomatic.
The scope of application is international relations. This sub-style is considered to be the language of diplomatic acts.
The main genres are negotiations, memorandum, communique, and credentials.
4. Office and administrative.
The sphere of business communication and interaction between institutions, organizations, legal entities, and individuals. This substyle is characterized by the use of ready-made forms for filling.
The main genres are protocol, act, power of attorney, statement, certificate, report, and business conversation.
Each type of business writing style is characterized by special terminology and a set of typical texts.
Types of Documents Related to the Business Writing Style
The business writing style is the basis of business communication. First of all, it is the language of documents that has legal significance.
Almost all types of documents are drawn up according to special standards, and for many, ready-made forms are used that only require filling.
There are several types of document classification:
Depending on the order of origin: | – Original. – Copy. |
Depending on the availability of information: | – Open access documents. – Documents of limited access. – Confidential documents. |
Depending on the purpose: | – Organizational and administrative: law, decree, resolution. – Information and reference: act, protocol, reference. – Private business documents: application, summary, receipt, explanatory note, autobiography. |
Examples of Texts Written in Business Style
Let’s consider examples of texts written in business writing style.
A memorandum is a diplomatic document that sets out the state’s views on some international issue.
Example of a diplomatic memorandum:
SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) and Section 614(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 621 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA), I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the following authorities, subject to fulfilling the requirements of section 614(a)(3) and section 652 of the FAA, in order to provide assistance to Ukraine:
(1) the authority under section 614(a)(1) of the FAA to determine whether it is important to the security interests of the United States to furnish up to $150 million in assistance without regard to any provision of law within the purview of section 614(a)(1) of the FAA; and
(2) the authority under section 506(a)(1) of the FAA to direct the drawdown of up to $150 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Ukraine and to make the determinations required under such section to direct such a drawdown.
You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Executive Order or Decree
An executive order (decree) is a normative or individual legal act, usually issued by the head of state.
Example of the executive order (excerpt):
Executive Order on Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Strengthening America’s forests, which are home to cherished expanses of mature and old-growth forests on Federal lands, is critical to the health, prosperity, and resilience of our communities — particularly in light of the threat of catastrophic wildfires. Forests provide clean air and water, sustain the plant and animal life fundamental to combating the global climate and biodiversity crises, and hold special importance to Tribal Nations. We go to these special places to hike, camp, hunt, fish, and engage in recreation that revitalizes our souls and connects us to history and nature. Many local economies thrive because of these outdoor and forest management activities, including in the sustainable forest product sector…
A report is public communication, which is a detailed presentation on a specific topic.
Example of a report by the UN Secretary-General (excerpt):
Situation in Mali
Report of the Secretary-General
I. Introduction
1. By its resolution 2584 (2021), the Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
(MINUSMA) until 30 June 2022 and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Council every three months on the implementation of the resolution. The present report covers major developments in Mali since the previous report (S/2021/844) dated 1 October 2021.
II. Major developments
2. During the reporting period, the transition authorities pursued efforts to implement their political agenda on the basis of the transitional Government’s action plan, notably electoral reforms and the establishment of a single election management body, as well as the holding of a wide-ranging national dialogue on reform (Assises nationales de la refondation) to lay the foundation for political and institutional reforms. These initiatives took place against the backdrop of divergent views between the transitional Government and the EconomicCommunity of West African States (ECOWAS) on the timeline for the political transition, including the holding of legislative and presidential elections by February 2022 to mark the end of the transition period, as well as th.. deteriorating security situation. Limited progress was achieved in implementing the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, while efforts to develop a comprehensive politically-led strategy for central Mali continues…
Full text
A resume (from French résumé “summary”) is a document containing information about skills, work experience, education, and other pertinent information usually required to consider a person’s candidacy for employment.
Example of resume from Canva:

Used sources of information:
- Culture of speech and rhetoric for lawyers. Textbook and workshop for academic. Authors: Elena Berg, Yulia Fedeneva, Svetlana Panchenko, Natalia Yushkova.
- Culture of speech and business communication. Textbook and workshop.
- Russian language in business documentation. Textbook and workshop for free software. Authors: Anna Ivanova.
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